Our Responsible Travel Fee: What it is and Who it Benefits

We´re thrilled to be implementing Journey Mexico´s Responsible Travel Fee on March 01, 2024, with 100% of the funds going directly to handpicked NGOs in Mexico.  

By requesting this donation from each of our guests, together, we can make a positive difference to Mexico´s extraordinary natural world and its wonderful people. We believe that travel and business hold the power to transform; the same reason we proudly became B-corp certified in October 2023. 

Each of the civil societies we support have been chosen because of their tangible impact on the biodiversity, traditions, and communities that make Mexico so special. Read below to find out about the non-profit organizations we´re partnering with or head over to our sustainability page to learn more about how the fee works. 



Where: Yucatán, Campeche and Quintana Roo states 

Catalyst: In the early 90s, a group of Mexican entrepreneurs created Las Haciendas, restoring former henequen plantations and haciendas – with the input and employment of residents – into a route of boutique hotels as a model of sustainable tourism to generate a socio-economic impact at a micro-regional level.  

The next step was the creation of the Haciendas del Mundo Maya Foundation A.C. in 2002, after Hurricane Isidore stormed through the Yucatán Peninsula, to improve the quality and living conditions of the Mayan communities, while respecting and preserving local culture and the environment. 

Goals: The foundation strives to strengthen the capacities and skills of the residents of Mayan communities in the Yucatán Peninsula, generating microregional development hubs with the participation of residents as promoters of their own projects. This helps to foster the identity, recognition, and preservation of Maya culture whilst working towards eradicating poverty and the social marginalization of communities. 

Strategy: The implementation of economic and social development projects is framed within the foundation´s Comprehensive Community Development Program, including initiatives such as: 

  • Traspatio Maya: A gourmet food brand created by the foundation and produced by Mayan communities to promote new local economic alternatives and contribute to the conservation of local biodiversity. Products include pink salt, salt foam, salt pyramids, and salt seasoned with habanero or achiote, Melipona honey and Tajonal and Tsisilché flower honeys. 
  • Taller Maya: This brand, with lines in fashion, home, jewelry, children, spa, and special collections, was started by forming groups of Mayan craftswomen and collaborating with designers to create contemporary, high-quality pieces that revive traditional techniques and materials. The foundation works alongside the craftswomen to establish and strengthen social enterprises, as well as provide ongoing support for production and administration processes. 
  • Las Haciendas Spas: Building on the traditional knowledge of Maya massage practitioners, in 2004, Mundo Maya incorporated formal training for spa therapists, establishing five spas in Las Haciendas and forming a service cooperative, which is now 100% self-managed. 


  • The involvement of community members in building a shared vision for the future and selecting strategies to materialize it.  
  • The sustainable utilization of natural resources and respect for the environment. 
  • Rescuing traditional Mayan medicine and herbalism, strengthening the overall health of families and improving access to primary care.
  • Access to education through an educational project constructed by the community members, integrating cultural elements specific to Mayan culture. 
  • Local income generation, the creation of fair-trade social enterprises, and their integration into the formal productive sector.  
  • Improved housing in rural communities in Yucatán through a Self-Construction Housing and Infrastructure program; the foundation provides materials and oversight while families manage the construction process themselves. 
  • Benefitting over 200 women from different communities who work with the brand Taller Maya and reviving traditional Yucatán craft techniques like henequen (foot loom, corking, and backstrap loom), hand and machine embroidery, horn and stone carving, Guatemalan loom, hammock warping, Sansevieria fiber extraction, palm weaving, silver filigree, seedwork, candles, and soaps. 

Learn more at https://www.haciendasmundomaya.org/ 

maya granada yaxunah community tour




Where: Mexico City 

Catalyst: The organization began as a grassroots network initiated by parents seeking to enrich the environmental education programs at their children`s schools, before formalizing in 2021 to focus on conservation and the sustainable use of Mexican biodiversity. 

Goal: REEDUCA has a strong commitment to the conservation of Mexico´s natural resources, biodiversity, and ecosystems. 

Strategy: REEDUCA`s multidisciplinary team of biologists and educators runs and collaborates on several campaigns in Mexico City and the Pacific Coast: 

  • Chinampas en Movimento: reactivating pre-Hispanic, agroecological crop cultivation techniques in Xochimilco`s chinampas (man-made plots of fertile land) & cleaning the habitat of the endandered axolotl salamander. 
  • Jardines Polinizadores: promoting the creation of pollinator gardens in collaboration with CONABIO (National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity) to encourage the health of local ecosystems. 
  • Supporting and/or facilitating bird and sea turtle conservation projects. 
  • Organizing events, workshops and training related to the conservation of natural resources, biodiversity, and ecosystems.


  • The promotion of sustainable development through environmental awareness in schools, providing support for the “Green School” Environmental Certification, fostering the exchange of experiences, conducting outreach campaigns, and strengthening educational centers by promoting “eco tips.” 
  • Collaborations with schools to successfully establish specific gardens that protect pollinators. 
  • Significant action in sea turtle conservation on the Oaxacan coast, particularly in camps like Barra de la Cruz, Escobilla, Tierra Colorada, and Cahuitán. 
  • Helping to shape public conservation and biodiversity policies by working in collaboration with institutions such as CONABIO and SADER. 
  • Creation of a self-sustaining productive chinampa; helping to conserve genetic resources for food and agriculture.
    Contribution to biodiversity conservation through direct actions in protected natural areas and efforts aimed at safeguarding endangered species. 

Learn more at https://www.reeducamexico.org/

martin sanchez reeduca xochimilco




Making a Positive Impact

Check out the links below to learn about more of Journey Mexico´s responsible travel initiatives: 

Our Approach to Sustainable Tourism
Journey Mexico´s Sustainability Committee 
Creating Change: Our Commitment to Sustainability and Community Impact
Virtuoso Sustainability Community


Start Planning your Positive Impact Vacation to Mexico

Get in touch with one of our travel planners to learn about how you can incorporate regenerative travel experiences with Reeduca or the Mundo Maya Foundation into your personalized itineraryCustom made trips to Mexico City and the Yucatan Peninsula start at $1,000 USD per day for two travelers.