Journey Mexico is committed to low impact, environmentally, and socially sensitive travel that prioritizes community participation. Our experience has shown that supporting local businesses that protect pristine natural areas helps to ensure their sustainable future. We have never been more aware of the need for conscious living and this extends to all aspects of our lives. We actively work with local communities and non-profit organizations with missions based in conservation and sustainable development to make good on the promise of ecotourism as a catalyst for sustainable development; we invite you to learn more about our efforts to protect the pristine coasts, mountains, canyons, and jungles of Mexico.

Journey Mexico B Corp Certification


Journey Mexico´s Responsible Travel Fee directly support the below NGOs in Mexico. Each of the civil societies we support have been chosen because of their tangible impact on the biodiversity, traditions, and communities that make Mexico so special.

Mundo Maya Women

Mundo Maya Hacienda Foundation

Where: Yucatán, Campeche and Quintana Roo states

The foundation strives to strengthen the capacities and skills of the residents of Mayan communities in the Yucatán Peninsula, generating microregional development hubs with the participation of residents as promoters of their own projects. This helps to promote the identity, recognition, and preservation of Maya culture whilst working towards eradicating poverty and the social marginalization of the communities. Their projects include: rescuing traditional Mayan medicine and herbalism, strengthening the overall health of families and improving access to primary care; access to education constructed by the community members, integrating cultural elements specific to Mayan culture; and improved housing in rural communities through a Self-Construction Housing and Infrastructure program – the foundation provides materials and oversight while families manage the construction process themselves.

Reeduca chinampas group

Xochimilco Agroecological Initiative (IAX) 

Where: Mexico City

The IAX is dedicated to revaluing farming families and revitalizing the “chinampas” in Xochimilco, one of the last remaining parts of the city’s once vast lake system. Invented by the Aztecs, “chinampas” are small plots built up from the shallow canal beds an ancient agricultural technique used to sustainably cultivate crops. The IAX has developed a model that supports healthy food production, ecological conservation, and fair trade, ensuring dignified livelihoods for farmers while helping to preserve a unique piece of Mexico’s cultural and environmental heritage. Their efforts focus on enhancing agroecological practices through water and soil bioremediation, collaborative organization, regenerative practices, and financial education. By fostering networks of farmers who maintain a healthy ecosystem through agroecology, they aim to set a national benchmark. Their goal is to demonstrate that sustainable production in harmony with the ecosystem is achievable and can be replicated to preserve agricultural tradition and promote it as a viable way to earn a living.  




  • A fee is charged per traveler per trip.
  • Total donated in full to the above associations on a monthly basis.
  • Running total updated to reflect contributions.


  • Technology and resources to build and clean better xompantlis for the axolotl salamander.
  • Participation in national/international events to promote Yucatecan communities and their art.
  • Help support expenses of local changemakers and community workers as to not have to outsource.


  • Engages, teaches and inspires visitors to conserve the environment.
  • Sustainable utilization of natural resources and respect for the environment.
  • Rescuing traditional indigenous practices.


$2,500.00 USD

as of June 01, 2024




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